Real Estate in Florence, House For Sale, Real Estate for sale, Property for rent

Frequent Questions

The most frequent questions and answers


Which are the documents needed to sell a house?

The sale starts from the preparation of a complete documentation.Thoose are the documents you need:

  • Place of origin of the property
  • Cadastral map (contains the map of the flat)
    If there were changes done,of the inside structure,you need to update the cadastral map. Usually,if present,it has been attached to the previous deed.
  • Land certificate with the attributed annuities signed,from which we deduce the referiment value for the registration tax payment.
  • Technical report
  • Certificate of energy rating
  • Document that certifies the annulment or the situation of any mortgage

In the case of an existing loan already extinguished,make sure that the mortgage has been cancelled.In the case of an ongoing mortgage,you need the last bank form that shows the current situation:
The “house rules” (if the flat is situated in an apartment blook).

The documents that follow are still important but they can be delivered in a second time:
-Photocopies of identity card and tax code of the seller/s.
-Eventual building amnesty (when necessary),or the documentation of the internal changes made.
-Marriage certificate(released by the town hall),if the person who is selling is married.
This document is necessary because in the case of “community of property” both have to sign the selling acceptance and the preliminary.If one refuses to sign you cannot procede.
-Ongoing lease contract,or eventually recently terminated.
-Tax return (to verify it, the property has been declared)
In the case that the seller is not a private but a society,you need further documents:
Certificate released by the “Camera di Commercio”
Eventual assembly report as required from the company pacts
Powers of who signs


What is a preliminary of sale/compromise?

The official denomination of this procedure is named “preliminary of sale” but everyone speaks about the compromise.
It is possible,when intervening in absolute confidence between the parts to go directly to the deed.
Rushing is not advisable,especially in this phase:at the compromise every phase is followed step by step in each detail.
Before the drafting of the contract it is necessary that the price of the property it has been clarified between the parts,the modality of payment and everything concerns the house.


What is the deed?

The deed is a legal instrument used to transfer a right.The deed is well known as the method of transfer a right.The deed is well known as the method of transfer of the property title,from a person to another.
Or well the act through which the solicitor transfers the ownership of the property.The buyer chooses the solicitor with which he wants to stipulate the act.


What is a selling assignment?

With a selling assignment you entrust the estate agency to sell your property for a certain amount of money in certain laps of time.The assignment,can last from three to twelve months.Usually you cannot let other estate agencies sell your property if you are already selling it with an agency.
The assignment can also be different:without exclusive mandate,more agencies can sellthe same house.


What is the difference between a fixed rate mortgage and a variable mortgage rate?

A fixed rate mortgage keeps the interest applied in the contract unchanged for all the duration of the funding.In the variable one,the tax of interest follows the markets trends,according to the parameters established by the European Central Bank.


What is the location contract?

A location contract,is a contract through which the parts undertake for a certain amount of time for a certain amount of payment.
How do you register a location contract?
Each location contract,has to be registered.The registration must be done in thirty days.
If the duration of the contract lasts less then thirty days(in a years time) you are obliged to register it.
The location contract can be registered in two ways:
-online:the online payment is really safe because,first of all the software calculates the rates that have to paid,second,but not less important,all the data informations are encrypted and readable just by the “Agenzia delle Entrate”.
-Traditional way (paper) or well going at the offices of the Agenzia delle Entrate” after you had paid the bulletin at the post office or at the bank.

T&T Partners real estate is specialized for all solutions, real estate sales and rentals of one and two bedroom apartments, apartments in the historic center of Florence, luxury homes and luxury villas

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TEL: 055 26 39 558 - FAX: 055 26 39 558

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